Monday 17 January 2011


Having established who your target audience is, and their characteristics as well as developing some areas of interest to this target audience, some “focus” questions can be asked to help refine ideas.
Is there going to be a story? Yes,
Is it RPG? Yes
1st person shooter? Yes, can change between 1st and 3rd person.
How will the game provide challenge? Story line missions, sub-missions, collectables  
How will the player know what progress they’re making? Stats menu (percentage completion), unlocked items.
Will there be a scoring system? Yes
Is there a main character? No, can choose character.
If so, what style? Sci-fi
Customization? Character look, weapons, vehicles
Does the game need a timer? No
Does the game need an introduction? Intro in the sci-fi world
Does the game need instructions? Basic controller instructions.
What genre? Sci-fi
What time period? Future (around 3011)
What environment is the game set in?  Future city
Is this part of a series? Open for expansion
DLC? – add ones? Downloadable; maps, weapons, character looks, missions, vehicles.
What Difficulty? Start off with standard difficulty but increases as you progress.  
Easter Eggs? Cultural references, reference other games, Sounds, weapons, objects.
Are there multiple endings?
Un-lockable? (pick-ups, etc)
Sound effects? Guns, synths, futuristic sounds.
Cut-scenes? Before start of mission.
Influences? Tron, gta, crysis, 

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