Saturday 8 January 2011

TV Advertisements.

My favorite and I think most effective adverts lately have come from apple. I think the reason that they are so effective is that, in the majority, of there ads they do not show the faces of the user. By doing this the viewer can put themselves in the position of the person on the screen, and imagen using the device. The iPad ad is a good example of this. Through the whole ad you see the same as the demonstrator, also in the background there is often a loung or coffee show scene which everyone can relate to.

The advertisers use a hook by playing amazing shots of the product, while you watch you listen to some up-to-date music and fall more and more into the products "lifestyle" and "can't live without features".
At the end for a very short time they show the companies name or logo this says, in the case of Apple "If you ever this about getting a mobile touch device, an iPad is the only one that will for fill your needs and you can only buy this from Apple!"

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