Monday 13 June 2011

Lateral Thinking

These puzzles are designed to help you to think 'outside the box'.
For the top puzzle you have to remove 8 sticks to leave two squares remaining.
For the middle puzzle you have to change the position of three sticks to point the arrow down.
For the bottom puzzle you have to go through all the dots using one continuous line.

From this exercise you can understand how there can be more than one approach to a problem.

Idea Development as a class using mind maps

We created mind maps in groups that we then passed around the room and the other groups expanded the ideas. We created 5 mind maps that were broken into the age groups, 5-10, 11-18, 19-30, 31-45. This method of idea development is a great way of expanding your ideas as many more people can contribute and therefore areas that may have not been thought out by the first group will be picked up by the subsequent groups.

Monday 28 February 2011

Brief for logo design

business name
The Alumni Bank
description of business
We help students and alumni of universities obtain loans from their fellow alumni.

preferred logo types

values to communicate

color preferences   No

to be used on
  • Online (Website, online advertising, banner ads etc)
  • Merchandise (Mugs, T-shirts etc)

further requirements
I am targetting both current college students and alumni. I want a smart, young, modern look, but also one that is playful and accessible. Also, I would like to be able to customize the logo for a given school. So if the logo has the name in it, there should be an easy way to add an element with the given school's name or logo. That way when one goes to a school specific section of the site, we won't lose the brand/identity of the entire project, but will connect it more closely to that community. Also, I might be looking for a designer to redo my entire look of the site, I am just starting with a logo to see how this works. the site is at Thanks!

payment methods
This contest has been pre-paid with 99designs. The winner will be paid directly by 99designs for the full prize amount, excluding any third party transfer fees.
  • Paypal (free, 2-3 day payment turnaround)
  • Moneybookers (charges apply, 5-10 day payment turnaround)
  • AlertPay (charges apply, 5-10 day payment turnaround)
  • Western Union (charges apply, 10 day payment turnaround)
watchlist actions

Monday 7 February 2011

The Big Egg Drop.

Our task was to design a enclosure/device that would protect an egg from being dropped from three floors up, using only 1 roll of masking tape and 6 straws.

To come up with our final idea we had an open discussion about the kind of method we would chose. We quickly eliminated the idea of using a parachute as the materials we had where not sufficient enough to build one, that left us with the option of wrapping the egg with the masking tape and straws. After having a detailed discussion about the features of our enclosure we did a simple diagram to outline these.

In the end our egg broke on the third floor although compared to the other groups designs I feel ours worked well.

Monday 31 January 2011


When you are really stuck for an idea, one method of inspiring creativity is to use word association.
The following word lists were created through class discussion, with lists of adjectives and nouns being created.

TASK: Choose two matching pairs from the word list to create two game characters. Produce a front and side visual for each character, along with a “character bio”






From the list of words I chose Hairy Demon and Disgusting Deer. From these words I created the characters above. I did a full colour drawing and silhouette of the characters so that I would know that they could be reproduced in detail and also recognised with a strong outline, which is important when there is less detail. 

Idea Development and presentation of our new sci-fi game, Naeveh

Above is the presentation that we made to illustrate our ideas of what we would like our new game to look like. Rather than drawing our own images we decided to use concepts that had already been produced that fitted our ideas. The reason that we developed our concept this way is that by using this method we can create a more visually understandable concept.

Influences: Mass effect. Tron. GTA. Hitman. Assassin's creed

Genre: Sci-fi

Type of game: A possible free roam/sandbox style game, based in a futuristic megacity in the year 2157, the game follows a assassin through missions where he is set out to kill a target(s). Since it being set in either free roam or a sandbox style game, the player gets to choose how he goes about to kill these targets, with there being many different ways to kill the target, whether it's a stealthy approach or all in guns blazing or somewhere inbetween. If the game is to be free roam in the city, then vechiles will be introduced to help travel the large city. The player will be able to choose how their character dresses, whether they choose leight clothing, or armoured wear. While the armour clothing will give better protection, the leight clothing allows faster and less restricted movement. The character will have contacts, which can sell him weapons, equipment, armour or clothing, and upgrades. With this being set in the future, you can expect high tech equipment, armour/clothing and weapons. With such equipment as stealth camouflage. The game will have a day and night cycle, with city life changing between the throughtout it. When you are given contracts for targets, that target could be in different places, depending on the time of day, either at work or at home. With the some targets not under a time limit to deal with, this can allow the player to plan how they are going to deal with their target.

Story plot: I think the story shall follow the character throughout his missions, at first knowing very little about the character, trying to give the character a sort of mysterious badass impression, something players can like about him, and as the story goes on, we learn a little about the character and his past. Trying to keep the character very intresting and pondering his past life. Players will feel more immersed in the game if they are playing as character that is very likeable and fun to play as. The targets he is set to kill or as such, will mostly be corrupt officials, people considered important to the city but with corrupt and bad intentions or doings. And depending on player choices, there may be contracts they set you out to good people, with a possible twist of the player not knowing they are killing good people, leaving the player to pick up on hints, and making the final decision whether to kill their target or not. With there being decision and consequences to them, this could lead to more than one ending outcome.

How this game will challenge players is with how they decide to go about getting to their target, and what weapons and equipment they decide to use for a certain assignment. The player can scout around the area of the target to find possible areas to get closer, take for example a target in a skyscraper building, the player could try to get to the roof, and go from there, possibly finding air vents, which the player can move through unseen.

Monday 17 January 2011


Having established who your target audience is, and their characteristics as well as developing some areas of interest to this target audience, some “focus” questions can be asked to help refine ideas.
Is there going to be a story? Yes,
Is it RPG? Yes
1st person shooter? Yes, can change between 1st and 3rd person.
How will the game provide challenge? Story line missions, sub-missions, collectables  
How will the player know what progress they’re making? Stats menu (percentage completion), unlocked items.
Will there be a scoring system? Yes
Is there a main character? No, can choose character.
If so, what style? Sci-fi
Customization? Character look, weapons, vehicles
Does the game need a timer? No
Does the game need an introduction? Intro in the sci-fi world
Does the game need instructions? Basic controller instructions.
What genre? Sci-fi
What time period? Future (around 3011)
What environment is the game set in?  Future city
Is this part of a series? Open for expansion
DLC? – add ones? Downloadable; maps, weapons, character looks, missions, vehicles.
What Difficulty? Start off with standard difficulty but increases as you progress.  
Easter Eggs? Cultural references, reference other games, Sounds, weapons, objects.
Are there multiple endings?
Un-lockable? (pick-ups, etc)
Sound effects? Guns, synths, futuristic sounds.
Cut-scenes? Before start of mission.
Influences? Tron, gta, crysis,